Tuesday, August 9, 2011

It's Been Too Long!

Well...my one thrilling thing of the summer was that I got to go to the beach, my favorite place in the world:)

There were some downsides to my trip: I was with my mother and sister for a 9 hour drive and 4 days. That should put anyone at risk for psychosis. Haha
But I did enjoy my time. Enjoyed standing in the ocean and dreaming of the day I'll live on the beach.

Quite a bit has changed since I last wrote. I no longer live with my mom (as of 3 days ago). I moved in with a great couple I've known for a few years and so far I'm loving the arrangement. My mother took the news well (as opposed to last time I left) and our relationship has gotten better, as I'd hoped.
My sister is still out of control crazy over her boyfriend and she's only 16. She swears up and down she's going to marry him. That's so crazy to me. Maybe it's because I'm so independent?
I'm still out of a job, but I'm really believing I wont be saying that for much longer.
I'm still crazy over that British guy, Richard. He still doesn't know. I'm still contemplating on asking him to visit...or if he would like for me to visit him. I really want to meet him. I feel like it would be the key defining point in our friendship as to where we would go from there.
I'll be attending school in the fall again, and it's going to be a hard semester. I am worried about after this semester how things will go money wise. But I'm trying to just put it in God's hands completely. He's done so much for me already.
Once school starts I'm hoping to get into a consistent schedule, including a work out schedule. I'm ready to start toning up again and losing unwanted weight (like everyone else I know) and I believe that I have more motivation than most people to do it.
I miss playing in an orchestra. I feel like I'm losing music. I really, really, want a keyboard so I can teach myself to play. I'm contemplating also, whether or not I should sell my clarinet and my sax...becuase I don't play them a lot now that I'm not in any sort of orchestra. But I'm so hesitant because I love my instruments...

I keep telling myself, "oh I really need to play" but I end up never making time. How sad???!!! I never wanted to be like some of the people I know who invest so much time in music and their instrument and just drop it. But I'm slowly becoming that way. Yes I still sing and pick up my guitar every now and agian...but I'm still not happy with myself. I pride myself on being musicly talented and here I am just waisting it away, it seems.

It's day 39 of Texas' over 100 degree heat temp with no rain. Talk about MISERABLE. If you don't live in Dallas...be ever so thankful!

Well that's really all that's remotely interesting to tell yall.

Keep livin' the dream!