Thursday, June 23, 2011


I'm the biggest Muse fan you'll ever meet.

And my favorite line from their song, Invincible is:
"Follow through, make your dreams come true, don't give up the fight, you will be all right, 'cause there's no one like you in the universe..."

It's utter perfection:)

I've decided this is my life's theme song, so I hope you enjoy!

With love and hope,


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Not only am I jobless, I'm homeless

Well folks, life ain't been no crystal stare...or something like that.

Saturday I woke up to my roommate telling me she didn't want me staying in her house anymore. Mind you, I have never missed rent even though I've been without a job since mid March. Ugh!
It was like an "Are you kidding me, world??!!" moment. Awful, awful, and more awful. Finding out you have no job and absolutely no place to go after the end of June. Two weeks. That's all she's given me. I should have seen this coming though.
She did the very same thing to her previous roomie, Alison. She had just recently lost her job and had no family in Texas. Lovely right?
Never trust a girl named Kimberly. No good can come from one of those I'm sure.
So I'm on the job hunt 120% now and I'm hoping something turns up. And hopefully...prayerfully...someone will be gracious enough to put me up until I find an actual place.
They always say "when life gives you lemons..." but I just don't know how to see past this at the moment.
And all those stupid cliches that people say because they want to comfort you and they don't know what else to say, only make things worse sometimes.
These are the days I'd love to be anyone but me. I just feel like I can never get up after a fall and somehow I'm just going deeper and deeper down.

Color me frustrated, angry, shocked, and seriously overwhelmed. (might not be the prettiest color, but at least it's a color lol).

Adios mi amigos,


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Randomness Here and There


I have 3 followers as of today! How exciting:)
So I went to my old Highschool's graduation today. Watched a few friends graduate. It was nice, and made me miss highschool...for like a spit second! Haha. Saw some old friends too. Don't you love that? Just seeing how random people are doing when you haven't seen them in years and you used to see them everyday? I think it's interesting.
I've started watching Gilmore Girls. My best friend Stephanie loves it so, I thought I'd give it a shot. Since I have all this free time (Still job hunting, as you can assume). I've been working outside for extra cash, but it's been hotter than a firecracker on the Fourth of July here in Texas. Go figure! 
I've also been working out to Jillian Michaels...what a BEAST. I've seen some serious progress, so it's paying off. On the other hand, I've also been an eating machine! Is that nomal? When you work out a lot, I'm guessing you need more energy...which comes from food...? Anyways...
So I met this guy. His name is Richard and he lives in England. Well, I've never met him in person, we met on yahoo and now we keep in touch through Skype. He's so wonderful, and I really like him...but I don't know what to think about the whole situation. I know people meet online all the time, that's not the odd part. It's just that we've been talking for almost a year now, we even planned a trip to Italy together. Do you think things like this work out? I mean there's a 6 hour time difference, an ocean between us, a cultural difference (although he loves my Southern style ;p), and the fact that I don't know if he even thinks of me the way I think of him. I just don't want to lose the great companionship by saying something and it freaking him out.
I feel like a crazy person. A common feeling among my life lately. Hah. Tell me what you think...please and thank you!!!
In other news....
There isn't a whole lot I think you'd be interested in. I've taken up cooking. I mean, I always cooked, but I've gone far in it. I'm pretty darn good too, if I say so myself! I've been finding some great recipes on I love that site. I find sooo many cute ideas and really cool things. Go there!
I'm considering Marine Biology as my serious career move...there's still the F.B.I fantasy here and there, haha, but I think it's only the Criminal Minds and Forensic Files talking.
All I wanna do is go to the beach! It's all I can think about. Soon. Soon. Oh and I'm looking for some really great beach-ish music for a playlist when I go visit my grampa this summer. Any suggestions are welcome!

Well have a lovely and fun Saturday night for me, and have a fantastic week!

Every happiness,
