Monday, May 30, 2011

First Blog Ever!

Hello everyone!

This is my very first blog...I've kind of always wanted to do this and just never had the time until now (thanks to unemployment in America!). I've been kind of down lately because I don't have a job. I've been trying to make myself busy by cleaning the house over and over again, cooking, anything. But when all that's done, I sit on my butt and watch Criminal Minds all day until I read one of the four books I'm reading at the moment. I'm losing my mind! I've always worked two jobs and gone to school. Now school is out, and I only have a small cleaning job that only makes 100 bucks a week. I can't stand it. But it is more than a lot of people have I guess. Although I love Criminal Minds, it's making me paranoid haha. I feel like everyone trying to approach me is a sociopath or serial killer. I'm out of control, I know. I've always sort of been like that though. I make sure at least one person knows where I am or where I'm going (pretty safe and smart if I do say so myself) and I have an emergency bag packed in my car (never can be too prepared I guess). This whole not having a job thing is awful to the nth degree. I have all these crafts and projects I want to do...and no money to buy the supplies, rendering me completely bored. It's a vicious cylce, and I wouldn't wish unemployment on anyone. Well hopefully this week goes decently good. It's all I'm askin for these days since I don't get much good news. Maybe one of the thousand applications my poor right hand filed out will turn into a phone call, interview, and then JOB! A girl can dream...
I don't really know how long these should be...or really anything. But any tips or feedback would be great. I wish I had some great stories to tell. Maybe in the blogs to come.
I wish you every happiness (someone needs to be!),


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